Greek Mythology (ギリシア神話)
Physis (ピュシス) = Nature (自然)
Polis (ポリス) = Community (共同体)
Homer (ホメロス) |
Homer (c. 8th century BCE)'s Odyssey
Homer (c. 8th century BCE)'s Iliad
Hesiod (ヘシオドス) |
Hesiod (750 to 650 BCE)'s Theogony
Hesiod (750 to 650 BCE)'s Works and Days
Natural Philosophy (自然哲学)
Mythos (ミュトス・神話) → Logos (ロゴス・知性)
Thales (タレス) |
Thales (c. 624 - 546 BCE)
Arche (アルケー) = Primal element (万物の根源)
The first principle of all things is water (アルケーは水だ)
Heraclitus (ヘラクレイトス) |
Heraclitus (c. 535 - 475 BCE)
Everything is in Flux (万物は流転する)
Pythagoras (ピタゴラス) |
Pythagoras (c. 570 - 495 BC)
Order (秩序) = Cosmos (コスモス)
Number (数) = Primal element (万物の根源)
Democritus (デモクリトス) |
Democritus (c. 460 - 370 BC)
Arche (アルケー) = Atom (原子・アトム)