Showing posts with label Journalist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Journalist. Show all posts
Friday, April 22, 2022
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Alex Gibney (アレックス・ギブニー): Takes On Scientology, Wikileaks AND Steve Jobs
Alex Gibney |
Steve Jobs |
- Ben Mankiewicz (ベン・マンキウィッツ)
- Steve Jobs (スティーブ・ジョブズ)
- iTunes
- Furious 7 (ワイルド・スピード SKY MISSION)
- WikiLeaks (ウィキリークス)
- Julian Assange (ジュリアン・アサンジ)
- Enron (エンロン)
- Donald Trump (ドナルド・トランプ)
- Roger Stone
- Nickson face
- Armstrong
- Slippery slope
- Scientology (サイエントロジー)
- Chris Hedges
- Salam
- Place of dialog
- Praise poem
- Chelsea Manning (チェルシー・マニング)
- Whistle blower
- Apache helicopter
- Fortune
- Smartest Guy in the Room
- Peter Doug
- Industry press
- Peter Alcain
- Loline Paula Jobs
- Bob Belleville
- Deposition
- Stock option backdating case
- U.S. Federal Communications Commission, FCC (連邦通信委員会)
- Golden handcuffs
- First Amendment to the United States Constitution (アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第1条)
- United States Constitution (アメリカ合衆国憲法)
- Legal fear
- Church of Scientology
- Holocaust
- Hitler
- Covering both side
- Fairness
- We Steal Secret
- Chris Hedges
- Michael Hayden (マイケル・ヘイデン)
- Jose Rodriguez (intelligence officer)
- Book tour
- Psychological abuse, Emotional torture (心理的虐待)
- John Travolta (ジョン・トラボルタ)
- Tom Cruise (トム・クルーズ)
- Public face relation
- Suppressive Person
- Nicole Kidman (ニコール・キッドマン)
- Human rights abuse
- Character assasination
- Jason Beghe (ジェイソン・ベギー)
- Paul Haggis (ポール・ハギス)
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Jake Adelstein: In search of truth - Truth, as seen by an American journalist
Jake Adelstein |
- Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan (日本外国特派員協会)
- Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.
- Fukushima nuclear meltdown.
- Pipes broke because of earthquake not flood.
- Naoto Kan (菅直人)
- 安倍
- Constitutional change
- Press freedom has eroded
- 記者クラブ
- State secret
- Instigating leak
- Non profit news group
- National Public Safety Commission (Japan)(国家公安委員会)
- Eriko Yamatani (山谷えり子)
- Zaitokukai (在日特権を許さない市民の会、在特会)
- Japanese Olympic Committee (日本オリンピック委員会)
- Hidetoshi Tanaka (田中英壽)
- Nelson Mandela
- Thomas Jefferson
- Watch dog
- 岸信介
Simon Ostrovsky: The Worst Internship Ever: Japan’s Labor Pains
Simon Ostrovsky |
- Ippei Torii (鳥井一平)
- Human trafficking
- Internship
- Textile (布)
- Anti-trafficking group
- ニセ警官
- 技能実習制度
Jake Adelstein: Hard Lessons Learned From Tough People (TEDxKyoto 2012)
Jake Adelstein |
- Detective Chiaki Sekiguchi
- Learn to listen.
- Repay the kindnesses bestowed upon you, keep your code, all is good.
- There are no small promises. A man's promise should weigh more than his life.
- It's okay to be betrayed, just don't be the betrayer. Betray others and you betray yourself. You won't be able to trust anyone.
- The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You can tell more about a man by his enemies than you can by his friends. A man with no enemies is worthless.
- In life we only encounter, the injustices we were meant to correct.
- Code of honor
- Aizukotetsu-kai (会津小鉄会)
- Naoya Kaneko (金子直也)
- マルボロ刑事
- Code of ethics
- Extortion (強要罪)
- Blackmail (脅迫状)
- 中野会
- 暴力団排除条例
- Toshiro Igari (猪狩俊郎)
- Die while you are alive and be absolutely dead. Then do whatever you want: it's all good.
- Zen master
- Shidō Munan (至道無難)
- Tokyo Electric Power Company (東京電力)
- Criminal negligence (過失犯)
- Common enemy
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Yoshiko Sakurai (櫻井よしこ): 激論!クロスファイア
Yoshiko Sakurai |
- 日本国民は、朝鮮半島で起こっている事実を知る必要が有る。
- パク・クネ政権の政権中枢部に北朝鮮の勢力が深く浸透している。
- 大韓民国の司法が機能していない。
- 北朝鮮の金日成(キム・イルソン)は、大韓民国が朴正煕(パク・チョンヒ)政権の時代、対南工作員(大韓民国に対して行う政治的、軍事的、思想的な工作活動員)の幹部に、ソウルの街頭でデモを行っている優秀な人を選んで司法の学問をさせて大韓民国政府の中に入って体制の中から北朝鮮の好むような形に変えていくよう命令している。
Yoshiko Sakurai's opinions:
- Japanese need to know the fact about what is happening in the Korean Peninsura.
- North Korea's influence penetrates deeply into the central part of the Park Geun-hye regime.
- Judicial system of South Korea is not functioning.
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