- Theoretical computer science(理論計算科学)
- Information theory(情報理論)
- Logic(数理論理学)
- Set theory(集合論)
- Combinatorics(組合せ数学)
- Graph theory(グラフ理論)
- Discrete probability distribution(離散確率分布)
- Number theory(数論)
- Algebra(代数学)
- Finite difference(差分)
- Geometry(幾何学)
- Topology(位相幾何学)
- Operations research(オペレーションズ・リサーチ)
- Game theory(ゲーム理論)
- Decision theory(決定理論)
- Utility theory(効用理論)
- Social choice theory(社会選択理論)
- Discretization(離散化)
- Discrete calculus(離散微積分)
- Discrete probability distribution(離散確率分布)
- Discrete Fourier transform(離散フーリエ変換)
- Discrete geometry(離散幾何学)
- Discrete logarithms(離散対数)
- Discrete differential geometry(離散微分幾何学)
- Discrete exterior calculus(離散外微分)
- Discrete Morse theory(モールス理論)
- Difference equations(漸化式)
- Discrete dynamical systems(離散力学系)
- Discrete vector measures(離散ベクトル測度)
- Optimization problem(最適化問題)
- Computational geometry(計算幾何学)
Showing posts with label Discrete mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discrete mathematics. Show all posts
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Discrete mathematics(離散数学)
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