Showing posts with label Quantum field theory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quantum field theory. Show all posts
Monday, November 16, 2020
Thursday, September 3, 2015
David Gross: Quantum Field Theory - Past Present Future
David Gross |
- Freeman Dyson
- Disturbing the Universe
- Weapons and Hope
- From Eros to Gaia
- Quantum field theory
- Many body theory
- Perturbative QED
- Renormalization
- Strong & weak nuclear forces
- Standard model
- Yang Mills theory
- Asymptotic freedom
- Non-perturbative QFT
- Gauge-String duality
- Quantum gravity
- Organic synthesis
- Interaction representation
- U-matrix
- Power counting
- Primitive divergences
- Precision tests of QED
Monday, August 17, 2015
Saturday, August 17, 2013
HOW to BECOME a GOOD THEORETICAL PHYSICIST(良い理論物理学者になる方法): Quantum field theory
- Classical field theory(場の古典論)
- Scalar field(スカラー場)
- Dirac spinor(ディラック・スピノル)
- Yang–Mills theory(ヤン=ミルズ理論)
- Perturbation theory(摂動)
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking(自発的対称性の破れ)
- Nambu-Goldstone boson(Nambu-Goldstone mode)(南部・ゴールドストーン粒子)
- Higgs mechanism(ヒッグス機構)
- Fock space(フォック空間)
- Antiparticle(反粒子)
- Feynman diagram(ファインマン・ダイアグラム)
- Sigma model(シグマ模型)
- Pion(パイ中間子)
- One-loop Feynman diagram()
- Unitarity(ユニタリティ)
- Kramers–Kronig relations(Causality and the Dispersion Relation)(クラマース・クローニッヒの関係式)
- Renormalization(繰り込み)
- Pauli–Villars regularization(パウリ‐ヴィラの正規化)
- Dimensional regularization(次元正則化)
- Quantum gauge theory(ゲージ場の量子論)
- Gauge fixing(ゲージの固定)
- Faddeev–Popov ghost(ファデエフ=ポポフゴースト)
- Slavnov–Taylor identities(スラヴノフ‐テイラー恒等式)
- BRST quantization(BRST量子化)
- BRST symmetry(BRST対称性)
- Renormalization group(繰り込み群)
- Asymptotic freedom(漸近的自由性)
- Soliton(ソリトン)
- Skyrmion(スカーミオン)
- Magnetic monopole(磁気単極子, 磁気モノポール)
- Instanton(インスタントン)
- Color confinement(Quark confinement)(クォークの閉じ込め)
- 1/N expansion(1/N展開)
- Operator product expansion(演算子積展開)
- Bethe–Salpeter equation(ベーテ・サルピーター方程式)
- Standard Model(標準模型)
- Parity(パリティ)
- CP violation(CP対称性の破れ)
- CPT theorem(CPT定理)
- Spin–statistics theorem(スピン統計定理)
- Supersymmetry(超対称性)
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