Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pakistan. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2016

Alex Gibney: Zero Days (2016)

Alex Gibney
Antivirus expert (アンチウイルスエキスパート)
  • Sergey Ulasen
Control systems security consultant (制御システムセキュリティーコンサルタント)
  • Ralph Langner
Counterterrorism expert
  • Richard A. Clarke
Symantec (シマンテック)
  • Eric Chien
  • Liam O'murchu
Kaspersky lab (カスペルスキー)
  • Vitaly Kamluk
  • Eugene Kaspersky
CIA (中央情報局)
  • Rolf Mowatt-Larssen (Officer)
  • Leon Panetta (Director)
  • Gen. Michael Hayden (Director)
NSA (アメリカ国家安全保障局)
  • Gen. Michael Hayden (Director) 
  • Chris Inglis (Deputy director)
Iran (イラン)
  • Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (King)
Pakistan (パキスタン)
  • Abdul Qadeer Khan (Nuclear Physicist)
Israel (イスラエル)
  • Yuval Steinitz (Minister of Intelligence)
  • Benjamin Netanyahu (Prime Minister)
  • Meir Dagan (Director of Mossad, Intelligence)
  • Maj. Gen. Amos Yadlin (Commander of deffense Intelligence)
International Atomic Energy Agency (国際原子力機関)
  • Olli Heinonen
American Iranian Council
  • Emad Kiyaei (Executive Director)
United States Secretary of Defense (アメリカ合衆国国防長官)
  • Robert Gates
United States Cyber Command (アメリカサイバー軍)
  • Col. Gary D. Brown
Judge Advocate General's Corps
  • Col. Gary D. Brown (Staff)
Joint Chiefs of Staff (アメリカ統合参謀本部)
  • Gen. James E. Cartwright (Vice Chairman)
Czar (political term)
  • Gary Samore (Weapon of mass destruction)
  • Yossi Melman (Spies Against Armageddon: Inside Israel's Secret Wars)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Abdus Salam

Abdus Salam

A Forgotten Hero of Pakistan

  • ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)(国際理論物理学センター)

The Truth About Dr Abdus Salam

  • Renormalization (繰り込み)
  • Deism (理神論)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Risk it all - Pakistan

The Lowari Pass begins in the town of Dir in the tribal regions of northwest Pakistan. The road is 240km long and is the only supply route through the mountains to the small villages of the Chitral valley which is shared with Afghanistan. It is a road where even the slightest error can be fatal.
The holy city of Dir and its 20,000 inhabitants make their living off the road. Each day tons of goods are loaded and unloaded from trucks, the only means of transport in the region. The trucker's quarter provides most of the jobs here. Drivers, mechanics, assistants of all ages work here every day amid the dust and pollution.
We follow Pakistani truck drivers facing death at every turn transporting goods across mountain passes on arguably the world's most dangerous road.