Showing posts with label Blackmail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blackmail. Show all posts

Sunday, February 13, 2022

@Varsleren: MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? Documentary by Tim Gielen [MUST SEE]

  • The Vanguard Group
  • RIA (Registered investment adviser)
  • BlackRock
  • Blackmail (恐喝)
  • Actor Isaac Kappy's death (アイザック・カッピーの死)
  • John McAfee's death (ジョン・マカフィーの死)
  • George Orwell (writer of the book "1984") 's warning (ジョージ・オーウェルの警告)
  • Dr. Royal Raymond Rife (ロイヤル・レイモンド・ライフ), who used radio waves to cure cancer patients.
  • Henry Ford who in 1941 had already made a car out of bioplastic that proved stronger than steel. (Soybean Car)