Renate Loll |
Renate Loll(レナーテ・ロー), Causality(因果律),
誤解されることの多い彼女でしたが… とても怖がりのくせに鼻っ柱が強く、正義感にあふれ、笑うことが大好きで、頭の回転が早くて、子供のように衝動的で危うく、おっちょこちょいで放っておけない、誰よりもかわいらしい人でした。
Marcus du Sautoy |
A universal common ancestor is at least 10²⁸⁶⁰ times more probable than having multiple ancestors, Theobald calculates.
A model that had a single common ancestor and allowed for some gene swapping among species was even better than a simple tree of life. Such a scenario is 10³⁴⁸⁹ times more probable than the best multi-ancestor model, Theobald found. That's a 1 with 3,489 zeros after it.
Theobald's study does not address how many times life may have arisen on Earth. Life could have originated many times, but the study suggests that only one of those primordial events yielded the array of organisms living today.