Monday, August 17, 2015

The Dirac Roundtable

  • Gabriele Veneziano (ガブリエーレ・ヴェネツィアーノ)
  • Ashoke Sen
  • Andrew Strominger (アンドリュー・ストロミンガー)

Ashoke Sen: On winning biggest jackpot in the world of science

Ashoke Sen

Ashoke Sen: H. K. Firodia Memorial Foundation - Excellence in Science & Tech. Awards - 2005

Ashoke Sen

Tomoko Kawao (川尾朋子): ILC Tokyo Event Calligraphy Performance

Tomoko Kawao (川尾朋子)

ILC Tokyo Event Foods from 48 countries

Steven Weinberg: I want the ILC!

Steven Weinberg

  • Electron positron collider
  • Precision
  • 1930 of Yukawa
  • 1940 of Tomonaga
  • Very wise for Japan to host it.

Gerard 't Hooft: I want the ILC!

Gerard 't Hooft

Carlo Rovelli: Quantum Spacetime

Carlo Rovelli

Joseph Lykken: I want the ILC!

Joseph Lykken