Friday, June 30, 2017

Sayu Flatmound (さゆふらっとまうんど): <対談1>さゆHPのプラットホーム化、「天皇が世界の中心という根拠は」という誤解、社会構造を知り、活動を始めたキッカケ。~対談者 主婦ともこさん

Sayu Flatmound

Robbert Dijkgraaf: Numberphile: Math vs Physics

Robbert Dijkgraaf

  • Mathematics has been extremely successful in conquering, certainly I think, the physical experience.
  • Could it be that if I zoom into space itself, at some point I see the pixels? I see something else? You know, we were thinking perhaps it's pure informations, zeroes and ones.
  • If you are able to come up with a piece of mathematics that is more fundamental than space, than geometry, I think it would be revolutionizing all of math.
