Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm Going to a Mountain in Japan

I'm going to a mountain in Japan. I'm planning to take many pictures and posting them here. I'm planning of leaving in two days. This is going to be my first trekking to mountains in 12 years. I'm planning to stay there at least 2 days. I'm going to bring a gas stove with me, so I can cook meals. The mountain has many cabins and restaurants too, but I prefer cooking by myself. I hope I can see beautiful stars from up there. I'm so excited by just imagining. I'm planning to update this blog after I come back. I planning to come back on September 10th.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Eva Zeisel

Watched her on TED. Her potteries are curved and cute.

Marian Bantjes

She is inspiring artist... Watched her on TED talk.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Steve Johnson

Steve Johnson tells the story of where the good ideas come from. The story he tells is quite good and funny. A good idea often emerges at place like coffee shop, and sometimes a great idea is used to find a coffee shop close to you. If that makes any sense. Just watch his TED talk.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rob Dunbar

Rob Dunbar talks on TED about acidification of ocean caused by CO2.

CO2 is causing earth to warm up, and it also acidifying ocean.

In 2030, ocean's acidity will become 450 ppmv. Today's CO2 level in ocean is 387 ppmv.

We have to go back 15 million years to find time when CO2 level is 450 ppmv.
The rapid change is why sea life is not adopting to the change.

Coral's growth bands can tell us ancient sea temperatures.

Calcium carbonate is more soluble in acidic fluid. Sea life, therefore, have to spend more energy to maintain body.

Friday, September 17, 2010



Monday, September 13, 2010

The Bible - part 2

Annunciation of the angel, Gabriel, was given to virgin Mary that she will conceive a son named Jesus.

Antichrist is the enemy of God, whom God destroys before the defeat of Satan. Some considers Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin as an Antichrist.

Apocalypse is another name for the New Testament Book of Revelation.
The catastrophe at the end of the world is also called apocalypse.

Jesus' twelve disciples are also called the twelve apostles.

Ararat is the mountain where the noah's arch rested after the flood receded. It is east of turkey, and about five-thousand meter high.

Armageddon is the name for the great battle between good and evil at the end of the world.

God will give whatever a person with faith asks him. Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Bible

The bible is divided into to parts, called the old testament and the new testament.

Thirty-nine books make up the holy scripture.

The best known books of the Old Testament are genesis, exodus, psalm, job, Ecclesiastes, the song of Solomon, and Isaiah.

New Testament consists of twenty-seven books.

The main books of the new testaments are the four gospels - Matthew, mark, Luke, and John - and revelation.

Abraham is the ancestor of both Arabs and Jews.

Isaac and Ishmael are the son of Abraham.

Arabs are descendant of Ishmael, and Jews are descendant of Isaac.

God told Abraham to kill one of his son, Isaac, to test his faith.

God said to Adam and Eve these words, "Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return", to remind them that they were made from dust, and are going to return to dust.

God is alpha and omega. He is the beginning and the end of the world.

I can't sleep

I can't sleep.
It's 3 am.
Thought of poems.
Violet and red.
Moons of Jupiter and threads of stars.
There is no rhyme.
I can't sleep.

TOEIC test tomorrow

I tested myself on Japan Times website's TOEIC program. I think I'm better at listening question. Gotta sleep.

D'Arcy Wretzky

On July 2009, D'Arcy called a Chicago radio station. Nice to hear her voice. Pumpkins' fan miss you. Never forget you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dan-ah Kim

Threads of stars are very beautiful... I've never seen paintings like these.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Aditi Shankardass

I watched Aditi Shankardass' TED talk. It is amazing to know that many children with disorders are misdiagnosed because doctors don't look at brains. Now with the new technology called EED, doctors can look inside head and see electrical activities of brains. I think this is the way of diagnosing brain disorders in near future.

• Research shows 50 percent of children diagnosed with autism actually suffer from brain seizures.

• One in six children suffers some kind of disorder.

• Interesting story of a child named Justin, who was diagnosed with autism actually had brain seizure, recovered when he was treated with anti-seizure treatment.