Saturday, January 3, 2015

Number of Vertices in Hiragana (ひらがなの頂点の数)

A set of pairs (Hiragana : Number of vertices) 
A set of pairs (hiragana, the number of vertices): H = {(あ,16),(い,1),(う,0),(え,2),(お,6),(か,5),(き,9),(く,1),(け,5),(こ,1),(さ,5),(し,0),(す,5),(せ,9),(そ,3),(た,4),(ち,5),(つ,0),(て,1),(と,2),(な,9),(に,1),(ぬ,16),(ね,12),(の,2),(は,9),(ひ,2),(ふ,2),(へ,1),(ほ,11),(ま,12),(み,9),(む,8),(め,12),(も,8),(や,4),(ゆ,9),(よ,6),(ら,2),(り,1),(る,4),(れ,8),(ろ,2),(わ,8),(ゐ,6),(ゑ,7),(を,9),(ん,1)}

Sets of Hiragana grouped by the number of vertices 
A set of hiragana with 0 vertices: V0 = {う,し,つ}
V1 = {い,く,こ,て,に,へ,り,ん}
V2 = {え,と,の,ひ,ふ,ら,ろ}
V3 = {そ}
V4 = {た,や,る}
V5 = {か,け,さ,す,ち}
V6 = {お,よ,ゐ}
V7 = {ゑ}
V8 = {む,も,れ,わ}
V9 = {き,せ,な,は,み,ゆ,を}
V11 = {ほ}
V12 = {ね,ま,め}
V16 = {あ,ぬ}

Reference: Wikipedia:Hiragana

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