Lady Gaga |
If only Fame had an IV
Baby could I bare being away from you
I live for the Applause
Pop culture was in art
Now, art's in pop culture in me
I've overheard your theory
"Nostalgia's for geeks"
Lady Gaga |
If only Fame had an IV
Baby could I bare being away from you
I live for the Applause
Pop culture was in art
Now, art's in pop culture in me
I've overheard your theory
"Nostalgia's for geeks"
「男性のなかにはテストステロン(男性ホルモン)の体内レベルが低くて、エストロゲン(女性ホルモン)の量が多すぎる人がかなりいる」 テストステロン・レベルの低下の要因には、ストレスや運動不足、喫煙などがあげられるが、最大の原因は食事だ。テストステロン量の低下を招くような食事をとっていることが多い。ここで取り上げる10の食品を積極的に食事に取り入れることで体内のテストステロン量を増やし、より強く大きな体をつくることができる。
A study by MGH researchers finds that some of the symptoms often seen in middle-aged men – changes in body composition, energy, strength and sexual function – are caused not only by decreases in testosterone production but also by reduced levels of estrogen.
Leonard Susskind |
"Canonical momentum equals derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to velocity" "Configuration space plus momentum space equals phase space" "Energy equals Hamiltonian" "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" "Force pushes you down the hill" "If a system is time-translation invariant, then the quantity is conserved" "Nothing in the laws of physics changes if everything is simultaneously shifted in space" 2N items of information 2N positions 3N coordinates A contour map Abstract dynamical system Acceleration of a circular orbit Acceleration vector Accidental conserved quantities Action Action principle Active Air pressure Altitude Ambiguous constant Angle Angular frequency Angular momentum Angular velocity Antisymmetry Approximation Arbitrary constant Aristotelian mechanics Aristotle Atomic / nuclear energy Auxiliary field Auxiliary gauge field Base Basis vectors Battery Binomial theorem Calculus of variations Canonical momenta Canonical momentum Capacitor Cartesian coordinate system Cartesian coordinates Central force Central force field Centrifugal force Chain rule Chaos Chemical Chemical energy Circle Clairvoyant Classical mechanics Classical physics Closed system Compensated for Component form Components of force Concentric circles Condensed dot notation Condensed form Configuration space Conjugate momenta Conjugate momentum Conservation law Conservation of energy Conservation of momentum Constant Constant direction Constant force Constant speed Continuous (transformation) Continuously Contour lines Contour map Convergence Coordinates Coriolis force (velocity-dependent force) Cosine Cross product Curl (vector field) Cycle Cyclic Decompressible Definite integrals Degrees of freedom Delta Derivative Derivatives of potential energy Deterministic Diagonal Differential calculus Differential equations Differentiation formulas Dipole Direct multiplication Displacement Divergence Dot notation Dot product Double pendulum Double-dot notation Drag force Dynamical laws Dynamical laws of motion Dynamical system Einstein's general theory of relativity Einstein's theory of gravity Electro static energy Emmy Noether Energy conservation Equilibrium points Equilibrium position Euler-Lagrange equations Explicit form Fictitious centrifugal force Field Field theory Finite transformations First order variation First-order differential equation Foci Force Force vector Formalism Friction Function of a function Function of position Function of space and time Function of velocity Functional Fundamental forces Gauge field Gauge invariance Gauge invariant Gauge transformation (Magnetic field) Gauge-invariant Lorentz magnetic force General coordinate system Generalized momentum conjugate Generator Generator (of rotations) Global minimum Gradient (temperature) Gradients (Derivatives) Gravitational field H.A.Lorentz Hamilton's equations Hamiltonian Hamiltonian formulation Harmonic oscillator Harmonic oscillator with Lagrangian Heat Hessian matrix Hypotenuse Identity Implicit function In a logical circle Incompressible Indefinite integral Independent Variable Indices Infinite series Infinitesimal transformations Integral calculus Integrand Integration by parts Intermediate function Interval Intrinsic properties of a particle Invariant Johannes Kepler Joseph Liouville Josiah Willard Gibbs Kepler's three laws Kinetic Known function Kronecker delta Kronecker symbol Lagrangian Lagrangian formulation Lagrangian formulation of mechanics Laplace Law of inertia Law of motion Levi-Civita symbol Limit Limit properties Limits of integration Linear combination Linearity Liouville's theorem Local maximum Local minima Local minimum Local temperature Locally horizontal Logarithm Lorentz force (velocity-dependent force) Lumping Magnetic energy Magnetic force on charged particle Many-dimensional motion Mass Mathematical induction Matrices Maxwell's theory of electrodynamics Maxwell-Faraday theory of electromagnetic fields Mechanical energy (gravitational potential energy) Mechanical momentum Meteorology Minimizing a function Minimizing the action Mixed derivative Mixed partial derivatives Momenta Momentary location Momentum Momentum conjugate Multivariable differential calculus N-dimensional space Naive kinetic energy Neighboring instants Newton's equations for the motion of particles Newton's first law Newton's third law of motion Newton-Lorentz equations for motion Nonconservative forces Notion Nuclear Numerical coefficients Open system Orbit Ordinary (linear) momentum Origin Origin of force Orthogonal(Perpendicular) Oscillating particle Oscillatory motion Partial derivatives Particles Passive (Change of coordinate, transformation) Period of motion Perpendicular axes Perturbing influences Phase space Phase space fluid Phi Pierre-Simon Laplace Plane Point of inflection Point particle Poisson Poisson bracket Polar coordinates Position space Position vectors Postulating Potential Potential energy principle Precess Prescient Principle of least action Product rule Pythagorean theorem Quadrilateral Qualification Quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics Radian Radiation energy Reaction Reciprocal Reference frame Reversible Right triangle Rotation symmetry Rotational symmetry Rotor Saddle points Scalar Scalar field Second derivative Second time-derivative Second-derivative test Second-order partial derivative Sigma Simple harmonic motion Simultaneous translation Sine Single degree of freedom Space of state Spatial component of momentum Spatial coordinates Spring balance Spring constant K Standard shorthand State-space Stationary (flow) Stationary points (minima, maxima) Stationary-action solution Stroboscopic Sub intervals Succinct mathematical criterion Sum rule Summa Symmetries Symmetry Sysmtem of particles System System of abstract coordinates THe commutator Tangent Terrain The Harmonic oscillator The consequences of symmetry The determinant The first law of thermodynamics The fundamental theorem of calculus The lawws of quantum mechanics The minus-first law The ordered triple of numbers The principle of stationary action The quantum origins of classical physics The standard model of elementary particles The state of motion The trace Theta Three spatial coordinate Time derivative Time translation Time translation invariance Time-dependent field Time-translation invariance Time-translation symmetry Trajectory Transform (the equation) Transformation of translation and rotation Translation symmetry Trigonometric identities Trigonometry Tycho brahe Unbounded hyperbolic orbits Uniform circular motion Uniform magnetic field Unit length Unit vectors Unitarity Unite time Variation of the Lagrangian Vector notation Vector potential (field) Vector quantity Vectors Velocity components Velocity field Velocity vector Velocity-dependent forces Viscous drag coefficient Waves Zeroth law of thermodynamics
Smashing Pumpkins frontman William Corgan was in attendance at the Ravinia Music Festival outside of Chicago last weekend according to Paste Magazine. During the festival Cheap Trick along with Indian American singer Gingger Shankar performed The legendary Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in it’s entirety. Halfway through the performance Cheap Trick guitarist Rick Nelsen grabbed a copy of Cheap Trick’s Live at Budokan and threw it into the crowd. The album was caught by none other then Corgan.