Tuesday, September 20, 2016

macOS Sierra: Blender: Building SpaceshipGenerator Polygon Mesh


$ git clone https://github.com/panzi/SpaceshipGenerator.git


Cloning into 'SpaceshipGenerator'...
remote: Counting objects: 61, done.
remote: Total 61 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 61
Unpacking objects: 100% (61/61), done.


$ ls


LICENSE __init__.py screenshots textures
README.md build.py spaceship_generator.py


$ cat README.md


# Spaceship Generator

A Blender script to procedurally generate 3D spaceships from a random seed.

![Spaceship screenshots](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator/master/screenshots/spaceships_grid.jpg)

* Install Blender: http://blender.org/download/
* Download newest `add_mesh_SpaceshipGenerator.zip` from releases
* Under File > User Preferences... > Add-ons > Install From File... open the downloaded ZIP file
* Under File > User Preferences... > Add-ons enable this script (search for "spaceship")
* Add a spaceship in the 3D View under Add > Mesh > Spaceship

How it works

![Step-by-step animation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator/master/screenshots/step-by-step-animation.gif)

Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJZyXqJ6nog

* Start with a box.
* Build the hull: Extrude the front/rear faces several times, adding random translation/scaling/rotation along the way.
* Add asymmetry to the hull: Pick random faces and extrude them out in a similar manner, reducing in scale each time.
* Add detail to the hull: Categorize each face by its orientation and generate details on it such as engines, antenna, weapon turrets, lights etc.
* Sometimes apply horizontal symmetry.
* Add a Bevel modifier to angularize the shape a bit.
* Apply materials to the final result.
* Take over the universe with your new infinite fleet of spaceships.

Extreme examples
The following screenshots were created using extreme values for the number of hull segments and asymmetry segments to show how the algorithm works.

![Extreme spaceship screenshots](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator/master/screenshots/extreme_examples.jpg)

Tips and Tricks
* By default the script will delete all objects starting with `Spaceship` before generating a new spaceship. To disable this feature, remove or comment out the call to `reset_scene()` around line 735 in the main function.
* You can provide a seed to the `generate_spaceship()` function to always generate the same spaceship. For example, `generate_spaceship('michael')`.
* The `generate_spaceship()` function takes many more parameters that affect the generation process. Try playing with them!

Written for fun as part of the [/r/proceduralgeneration](https://www.reddit.com/r/proceduralgeneration/) June 2016 [monthly challenge](https://www.reddit.com/r/proceduralgeneration/comments/4mn9gj/monthly_challenge_7_june_2016_procedural/).

Released under the [MIT License].

Authored and maintained by Michael Davies.

> GitHub [@a1studmuffin](https://github.com/a1studmuffin)
> Twitter [@butterparty](https://twitter.com/butterparty)

[MIT License]: http://mit-license.org/


$ python build.py


created file: add_mesh_SpaceshipGenerator.zip


$ ls


LICENSE __init__.py build.py spaceship_generator.py
README.md add_mesh_SpaceshipGenerator.zip screenshots textures